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The Cosmic Theatre of Las Estiradas
Multimedia installation, Rotterdam, 2021

Las Estiradas

Las Estiradas is a feminist science-fiction short novel inspired by true events.

Set during the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, the novel follows the events that led to the uprising of the minorities of color/essential workers of the port of Rotterdam. The narrator of the story is a brown architecture student originally from an unspecified far away colony. After her upper-middle class family went bankruptcy briefly after the pandemic hit, she was forced to take a precarious job at one of the fulfillment centers of the P-CORPORATION, a Dutch online-super market empire at the port of Rotterdam. Our narrator eventually would become one of the leaders of the uprising after joining Las Estiradas (The Stretched Women), a clandestine revolutionary essential worker squat. The novel depicts an imminent exposion of the ‘architectures of containment’ of the port, followed by a new social organization led by an anarchist genderless society.

Las Estiradas is part of an ongoing long-term transdisciplinary research project (2018 - ) on labor, feminism, critical race theory and politics of space. 

Click in the image to read
Las Estiradas, a short novel

Las Estiradas, video essay

The Cosmic Theatre of Las Estiradas,
multimedia installation

After the spill calmed down, I left the exploded warehouse, I took my bike and went home. My body by now had mutated into an elastic being, La Estirada, a body half bagging machine half hairy cow, still an essential worker of color.


I was finally embodying the violence and exploitation that have frightened, exploited and stretched my body for so long. 

Within the universe of a heavily capital world, which became more apparent after the racial inequalities brought by the pandemic, it seemed my destiny as a woman of color was its fully integration of the circuit capital through the disintegration of my own body. Yet, after the spill, there seems to be something present in my condition of color and migrant, that allowed for this hybrid transformation into an-Other body.

I passed by the castle, where I briefly stopped to dance in front of its main gates, next to the dog statues. 

I continued my journey, I passed by the cute dutch wealthy cottages, with their perfectly painted facades of blue diagonal strips.


Finally, I stopped in the same spot where I saw the hairy cows the first time about a year ago. They were at pasture, in the middle of the night after work. And there it was me, facing six of them closer than I ever faced any exotic creature back in my far away exotic country. No worlds of separation this time. This silent, ridiculous and imminent violent scene paralized my body. A body that is of color, migrant and working class. Like the imminent destiny of my people. This time though the hairy cows were gone. It was me only sitted in the grass, moving my horns around. It was a sunny day, I took a nap.

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